Project PEEL: Purpose and Engagement in Everyday Life
A sense of purpose in life is the belief that one’s life and activities are goal-oriented, directed, and worthwhile.

The Health Consequences of Weight Stigma
Unfair treatment because of one’s body weight is common and associated with poor psychological outcomes. Our work documents that the negative outcomes associated with weight

Early Environmental Origins of Personality Traits
This project aims to identify environmental factors that contribute to personality development across the lifespan, including the long-term effects of both prenatal exposures and social

Midlife cognitive aging in Hispanic/Latinos: Predictors and mechanisms of decline
This project builds on over 10 years of data collection on participants from the California Families Project to identify mechanisms of cognitive aging across middle

CHAP: Couples Healthy Aging Project
Conscientiousness is a personality trait that reflects the tendencies to be organized, goal-oriented, and responsible. Conscientiousness is associated consistently with better cognitive health and lower

Personality and Dementia: Mechanisms and Trajectories
Cognitive, emotional, interpersonal, and physical functioning are profoundly impacted by Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and related dementias. Research on the biological and psychosocial mechanisms that lead